Sedation Dentistry for Children

Sedation Dentistry

Sedation Dentistry for Children 

It is common for a child to feel anxious during his/her visit to the dentist. Along with the help of the parent, it is a dentist’s responsibility to put a child at ease so that the treatment goes on smoothly and the child walks out happy too.

Dr. Joseph Cheng, DDS., located in Rancho Cucamonga, CA, discusses all the information with you regarding sedation procedure for your child to ensure that the treatment is completed smoothly.

Your child’s safety is our first priority and that is what sedation dentistry mainly comprises of. Dr. Cheng is an experienced dentist who follows a safe sedation procedure for the treatment. Following points are kept in mind before sedating your child:

  • Dr. Cheng will first thoroughly review your child’s medical history. This helps to ensure that the proper type and level of sedation is given
  • It is essential to inform us if your child has any allergies or is taking any other medication at the time of treatment
  • According to the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, talking to your child about the sedation before it is given helps all of us complete the sedation procedure smoothly. Therefore, it is advised to answer all their questions.
  • It is important that your child follows the food or drink restrictions before the sedation procedure as advised by Dr. Cheng
  • A prepared child can be more easily handled before the sedation procedure as he/she will be calm. A parent’s encouraging words help as it comforts them
  • The child can bring his/her favorite stuffed toy or a comfort blanket if it helps. The parent’s presence during the sedation procedure is recommended if the child is tense
  • During sedation dentistry, we will monitor the child’s blood oxygen level, heart rate, blood pressure and temperature. This way, if any abnormalities are detected, quick action can be taken
  • The child will not be able to walk without help post sedation. Therefore, the parent must be watchful.
  • It is important to ensure that the child takes the medication completely and does not spit it out because it might not sedate the child completely. This could also lead to rescheduling the appointment and you will still have to pay the second sedation fee 

Types of Sedations

The level and kind of sedation given to a child are decided by Dr. Cheng after the child’s dental issue is reviewed. Following are the different kinds:

  • The most common kind of sedation is the inhaled sedation which is a combination of nitrous oxide and oxygen. This mildest form of sedation is given through a fitted mask placed over the child’s nose. The child will not experience post lingering effects. The child might feel nauseous; therefore we advise the minimal food intake before the procedure
  • Oral sedation administered could be hydroxyzine or midazolam and it helps in treating the child’s anxiety. The child must not eat or drink anything for a few hours before the sedation. It is given orally an hour before the procedure. The child’s age and weight are calculated and the dosage is given accordingly. This method given has a moderate sedative effect
  • IV sedation is also a moderate level of sedation which is administered intravenously. As this sedative is administered, it works quicker than oral sedation 

Post-sedation Instructions

  • After the treatment, the child will feel nauseous and groggy. So, it is advised not to make any plans for rest of the day and ensure that the child gets enough rest. You must keep a watchful eye and do not allow him/her to do anything straining like riding a bicycle, climbing the stairs, etcetera
  • In case the child is administered with local anesthesia, the effect will last for a couple of hours. Ice pack must be applied if the tongue, lip and cheek look bitten. If the injury seems worse, it is advised to contact us immediately for a further examination.  It is normal to expect some oozing after extractions and few other dental procedures. If the bleeding continues, you must call the office
  • To keep your kid from dehydrating, plenty of fluids must be given. Overeating must be avoided as it could lead to stomach ache or vomiting
  • Giving Mortin as per the directions on the label before the anesthetic wears off helps the child feel comfortable post the dental procedure
  • Fever, nausea and vomiting are the other common side effects. If the recurrence is concerning, you must call the office. If severe rashes are noticed over your child’s arms and torso or hives, you must contact us as these are the indications of allergy.
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Office Hours


9:00am - 6:00pm


8:00am - 5:00pm


7:00am - 5:00pm


8:00am - 5:00pm


8:00am - 2:00pm


